Please Note: This page is for advice only Rawson Brothers does not purchase second hand Jewellery.
Second hand jewellery.
Many people have second hand jewellery that they no longer use, carry bad memory’s or are handed down from a loved one. We encourage customers to think about what they would wear, or what they would like to sell. Rawson Brothers can assist in repairing items that are damaged that you would wear or keep for sentimental reasons or items you may consider handing down to the next generation.
If the items are not your taste or style we can melt them down and make something new. The simpler the better when remaking jewellery into a new item. To melt and make a simple band is $500 in gold, Stones to be set start from $60 for one or around $30 each if there are over 10 stones or additional work or more complex designs will increase the price
Follow this link for a great stuff article on second hand jewellery
Rawson Brothers are not second hand or estate jewellers so we are unable to purchase your items, we do not have a license to do so and will not be getting one in the future.
Selling your items
If you would like to part ways with the item we have a few suggestions to help you in the process. Unfortunately items that are not gold do not have a resale value to scrap metal merchants or a high resale value. Your items are very unlikely to sell at the price paid for them or the replacement value on any valuations you may have. Unfortunately the 1940s -1990s had as much costume jewellery as we do today, so old doesn’t necessary mean valuable many items that look like gold and diamonds are not. Reselling items may sell for a value of around 1/3 of the valuation or original price or valuation on the second hand market.
If you are looking to sell your gold items quickly or the items are damaged gold we recommend Sherrington Jewellers in Lower Hutt or the Gold Exchange in Wellington, the price paid is a scrap price or a second hand value witch will be lower than the original price and below any valuation you have. The price is less than the costs of the materials jewellers can purchase the metal for and small diamonds are not paid for. We do not recommend Cash Converters. If you have interesting silver or costume jewellery antiques dealers may be interested in purchasing your item.
Selling items at auction will fetch a higher price than selling for scrap, however you are unlikely to achieve the same value as a valuation will state as valuations are for a replacement value. For estimated prices we recommend doing some research into what other items have sold for at auction. Commission rates are around 20% of the sale value. Please see the following links and go to past auctions to see what simmilar items have been selling for.
Trade Me
Selling items at auction will fetch a higher price than selling for scrap, however you are unlikely to achieve the same value as a valuation will state as valuations are for a replacement value. For estimated prices we recommend doing some research into what other items have sold for at auction. Please see Trade Me for existing trades on items similar to yours to see what a realistic second hand price will be. The more details and better quality photos will gather more interest and hopefully a higher price.